Ok so how much weight should I lose?!

Question: Im 16 and weight 265 pounds. I started walking last year during the fall. And lost some weight in my chest area. Then the weather got cold and started snowing. So yesterday I started walking, and walked 30 minutes. Today I walked 30 minutes, and I think im going to go walk another 30 minutes soon. I want to try to walk an hour a day, everyday that the weather is good that is. I just got dumbbells and have been using those inside. I dont go out, and I dont go to school for personal reason I wont say on here.

I think last year when I started walking, I lost weight in my chest, but the scale never changed. Like you cant even tell that I have man boobs looking at my shirt. But my stomach is kind of big. But like im a solid weight and have alot of muscles. The most weight is in my arms and stomach.

Answers: Im 16 and weight 265 pounds. I started walking last year during the fall. And lost some weight in my chest area. Then the weather got cold and started snowing. So yesterday I started walking, and walked 30 minutes. Today I walked 30 minutes, and I think im going to go walk another 30 minutes soon. I want to try to walk an hour a day, everyday that the weather is good that is. I just got dumbbells and have been using those inside. I dont go out, and I dont go to school for personal reason I wont say on here.

I think last year when I started walking, I lost weight in my chest, but the scale never changed. Like you cant even tell that I have man boobs looking at my shirt. But my stomach is kind of big. But like im a solid weight and have alot of muscles. The most weight is in my arms and stomach.

you have to control your diet first and foremost. cut out excessive sugars and salts and fried foods. (if it's white, leave it alone. White bread, sugar, white rice, salt, etc)
If you stop drinking sodas, fried foods and fast food. Eat more fruits and vegetables, you'll start losing weight very rapidly along with your walking.

Show us a picture, maybe?

I depends on your hieght or gender.
However being close to 300 lbs is never a good weight unless you are a body builder.
Use a BMI ( body mass index ) chart.

I think you should have gave your height. but yer still 16

yer probably going to grow into it.

130 pounds

why don`t u just go to YMCA fitness place??

Look online for a BMI, body mass index, calculator. It'll tell you how much you should weigh.

keep walking and maybe go to the gym

*please don't take this offensively*

When on a diet, anything is possible.
If you keep working at it, then you can lose weight.
Good luck!!
Oh, and have C O N F I D E N C E !!!!

also do some volunteer work this will reduce your weight and you will help your community. you could go uber diet mode and only eat fat free and low sodium. these are some of the best methods. don't eat chinese, italian, or mexican foods at take out. they use lots of msg preservatives and fat and salt. try these tips, hope it works

Definitely. Walking is a super healthy way to go and an hour a day is a great goal. Also, try to pay attention to what you're eating. Try Googling "healthy eating tips" a bunch of stuff will come up.

cut calorie intake and walk as much as possible as fast as possible. get a bike and then you can even get an indoor trainer for when the weather is bad. the bike will burn more calories per hour than walking alone.

keep it up and don't give up.

People are truely cruel on this, if you are self concieous of your weight you should walk an hour a day.
I walk an hour a day and then go to the Y to weight lift.
I'm 15 and went from 230 to 180 over the summer.
The weather is pretty harsh here were I live, so I dont do much in the winter.
If you need someone to talk to, vent to, or need advice, add me on AIM or myspace.
Aim- Dylunn englishh
myspace- www.myspace.com/s0mm3rvill3kidd

The best way is to go to the doctor and have him help you pick a plan that works for you and get someone to excercise with, it makes it a lot more fun.

Height depends on weight. If you are really tall like over 6' then you can weigh more than someone shorter. Excessive weight can shorten your life and greatly burden all organs in your body. I know of a diet which you can eat as much food as you want and lose weight. See the resource below. Also check out the Herbal Healer Academy as they have great resources also.

I think about 200 lbs is good for you, so you can lose 65 lbs in about 7-8 months :)

Go to the gym and eat healthier, and walk like you are now.

Good luck


try and get down to at least 150

No matter what your age or size it is always good to stay active. So, YES continue to walk when the weather is warm and try something else inside when the weather is cold.

Just stay active! Good luck!

It's hard to tell how much weight you should lose without knowing your height. But it's great that you're exercising; you should consider getting a gym membership so that you can get some exercise everyday regardless of the weather.

Be serious and think you are like a cars gas tank.
If you put in ten gallons and only drive 2 miles, your tank will not need ten more gallons. So put in less gas or drive further.

go to sparkpeople.com

don't pay attention to the retard who said so fat. hes a retard that doesn't understand that some people are bigger than others,
it's obvious you have a wait issue.
you need to cut down at least 75% on junk foods if you are still eating them. It will be hard, i swear it will, but if you want to get to a healthy weight, thats what you will need to do.

Secondly, try working out a little more. something aerobic

heres what i did
you need to eat six times a day. healthy and small portions. that will increase your metabloism.
drink a cup of water before and after every meal, keep you from eating to much and from keeping you away from hunger

and talk to your doctor to see if he can recomend anything
maybe weight loss pills, just talk to him, ok?

I hope you try it,
have fun.
(i lost 20 pounds)

stop going to mcdonalds fatty

i think 30 minutes a day is good
try getting a treadmill that way regardless of the weather you can still do your workout

Don't worry so much about "how much" you weigh or want to lose but concentrate on doing some weights and aerobics. Muscle weighs more than fat so you may not be losing much weight because it may be turning into muscle. You'll be able to tell the difference in the way that your clothes fit. Just cut out sugared drinks, cut down on fried foods and breads and you'll see a lot of difference. If you're craving something sweet, eat it but in moderation. You're body becomes use to the same routine everyday so mix up your exercises to "trick" your muscles.

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