What exercises can i do before sleep so that i can slim my tummy ?!

Question: Have sex, you burn a ton of calories.

Answers: Have sex, you burn a ton of calories.

try crunches....put your feet under a sofa....for support and start doing those crunches and sit ups. also try to drink alot of water instead of soda...in one year drinking a soda can make you gain 10 pounds

i think it's better to do exercises in the morning rather than a few hours before you sleep. You can try sit ups or crunches, good luck

When you are in bed, just sucking your stomach in as far as you can, and holding it for a count of l0. start doing this 5 times and increase.

you ask the weirdest questions. crunches, situps, wallsit

Do it in bed under covers when you are going to bed to go to sleep

lying on your back with your hands on your stomach do leg lifts only 2 inches off the mattress

Try and do them with the intention of no one else knows you are doing them

Count to 3 on each up and the let your feet down slowly not to make a movement of the mattress

Do as many as you like and when you can not sleep some nights us that time to do a little ............

You will be surprised how fast you take notice

Get one of those large fitness balls. Crunches on those are comfy cuz it supports your back. It also holds you steady enough that you dont have to brace your feet. You can roll on it like you are doing a back bend as well. I helps get rid of back ackes. There are a lot of exercises you can do on it so you would get your moneys worth. You can watch TV while exercising too.

this is a great site:


good luck :)

I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her (100% natural). I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at
http://www.thin-diet.us , my aunt got a free trial and paid only $6.95 shipping and handling.

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