Flat stomach after having kids?!

Question: I've already lost 1/2 an inch off my belly. My belly's not huge, but its there you know? plus it has bad stretchmarks on it from pregnancy. (they've faded tho - i had my daughter in may of 06). But once I do lose my belly (I'm workin on it) will it still look good? I know the stretch marks will still be there. they wont go away only fade. But do you think a flat stomach is sexy even though there are stretch marks on it?? thanks!

Answers: I've already lost 1/2 an inch off my belly. My belly's not huge, but its there you know? plus it has bad stretchmarks on it from pregnancy. (they've faded tho - i had my daughter in may of 06). But once I do lose my belly (I'm workin on it) will it still look good? I know the stretch marks will still be there. they wont go away only fade. But do you think a flat stomach is sexy even though there are stretch marks on it?? thanks!

After you have a baby, it's common to have a belly and stretch marks. I noticed it took 1-1 1/2 years for my belly to go back down, but it did. My stretch marks also faded and now they are white and not too bad. They do feel slightly like corduroy when I run my fingers across them, which is the only thing that bothers me today. Your belly will probably look a lot like it did before you had your baby if you are working on it like you've mentioned. Having a nice belly is sexy enough that stretch marks aren't a big deal. I wouldn't worry about it.

Of course and besides it doesn't that much about how you look.

A tight belly is always more attractive regardless. If the stretch marks bother you too much. Stretch marks will be there but if you are fit people aren't going to be bothered by them.

The stretch marks will fade away as your stomach goes down.
Try butter cream it will help also.

If your looking for the ultimate ab routine, this is the routine that will help give you the six or eight pack that your looking for.

Items Needed
The following items needed for this routine include an ab roller and preferably ten minutes a day.

First lay flat on the floor with your head on the head rest of the ab roller, then slowly semi crunch for 300 reps.

Then you will put your feat straight up in the air with your lower back laying flat on the floor, with your head still positioned on the head rest of the ab roller.

While positioned this way you will then proceed to do 300 reps which will work the lower abs.

You will then turn on your right side with your head still positioned on the head rest of the ab roller and do 300 reps. Then you will lay on your opposite side repeating the process you have performed on your right side, repeating the same amount of reps.

You will need to do this every day for a total of ten minutes a day for about six to eight weeks.


Remember to consult a doctor before trying this workout routine or any other workout routine on Boeafitness.com.

Good luck:

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