How can you lose weight fast?!

Question: my friend is 16
she wants to lose weight shes like 170
i think
she 5'5

Answers: my friend is 16
she wants to lose weight shes like 170
i think
she 5'5

I just started the Medifast plan about three weeks ago, and have already lost a good amount of weight. I am an adult, but they do have a program for teens. Basically I have been eating 5 Medifast meals a day, plus one meal consisting of lean meat and vegetables. The meals consist of oatmeals, shakes, soups, and puddings. Some of them are pretty good. It may be a good program for your friend to consider in consultation with her doctor.

the best way is to get a gym membership and start doing Cardio like running. she should go every day and run for at least half an hour and results are guaranteed.

hope that helps
good luck and tell her to work hard.

you can't loose weight fast, you need to calorie count and excersize, and eventually it will pay off

It is possible to go on a crash diet or fad diet and lose weight fast but the problem is the weight lost with that method WILL come back.

If your friend learsn to eat healthy and exercise 200 minutes a week, she will lose the weight more slowly than with a fad or crash diet, but it will stay off and she will look better thru this sort of weight loss.

YOU ARE HER FRIEND. Tell her to do it the HEALTHY way.

surgery. get it all sucked out.

The cabage soup diet.

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