Could I lose weight off my abs with a regular hula hoop?!

Question: I know that 3lb + hula hoops would be more effective, but I don't know where to buy them and I'm not in the mood to search everywhere. Do you think a normal plastic kids one from like Toys R Us or something would work as well?

Answers: I know that 3lb + hula hoops would be more effective, but I don't know where to buy them and I'm not in the mood to search everywhere. Do you think a normal plastic kids one from like Toys R Us or something would work as well?

It's possible..but you need to get do it for a a long time. I'm not sure how it would be in terms of caloric burn. Like anything, you can lose from physical activity..but it may not be the best in terms of efficiency though. As far as targeting your abs, any cardiovascular exercise will help you lose weight all over your body not just your abs. It is not possible to target just one are in terms of losing weight. You can, however, tone target areas.

I think you need a hula hoop endorsed by Tony Little

I think yes because you are moving you abdominal area and well, it causes friction with the muscle inside.

so yes, you can lose weight of your abs with a regular hula hoop.

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