Lose weight in 1 week?!

Question: How can i lose weight in 1 week. I weigh about 100 pounds. I would like to lose about 15 pounds to 10 pounds. Please help if you can.

Answers: How can i lose weight in 1 week. I weigh about 100 pounds. I would like to lose about 15 pounds to 10 pounds. Please help if you can.

In order to loss weight, you will need to find the root cause on your weight gain. Once you find out the root cause, you will be able to come out a weight loss plan that able to help to reduce your weight.

Only with a realistic weight loss plan, you will be able to achieve it easily.

In order to have ideal weight. few things to take note.


- Try to have plenty of starchy foods such as rice, bread, pasta, potatoes,
- Aim to have five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables daily
- Use a moderate amount of dairy prod

Physical Activity

Getting active is one of the best ways to lose weight and keep fit. There are all sorts of activities and
sports that can get you moving and aid weight loss.

Calories and Weight

A pound of fat equals 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week you will need to expend 3500 more calories than you eat that week, whether through increased activity or
decreased eating or both. Losing 1-2 pounds of fat a week is a sensible goal

A week? It isn't impossible but it isn't mantainable either. The faster you loose your weight, the faster it gets back on too. I know cause I have recently lost 5-7kg (i believe its about15 lbs) in 1-2 weeks, I'm still keeping it off but you are left with a bit of loose skin [ ewwww, i know] but it will eventually heal up.
If you really want to, I suggest eating nutrional food[protein&carbs] , veggies, meat, fruit but whatever you do, don't touch junk food. Work out, cardio (30minutes to 1 hour per day) - run, walk and take every opportunity you can to get active. Drink heaps of water and mantain a good sleeping routine. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, and chew gum between them to speed your metablism up. [trust me, it helps].
Good luck. :)
P.S ## cardio as soon as you wake up is the best for burning fat and it speeds up your metablism for up to seven hours.

Unless you're under 16 I'd say you should be happy with your weight. Can I ask how old you are? and you're height if you don't mind.

I see your name is "softball"? Do you play? My daughter plays and I know how active a sport that is. Conditioning, practice, and games, just from that and eating healthy she has lost 2 pant sizes.. overtime though'

I really don't have a sure fire plan to lose that much weight in a week I know it isn't healthy and will come back fast -sometimes twice the amount lost if you lose to fast.

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