
Question: What are the things you can eat in order to stop it? My excretions are always soft... What can I do about it?

Answers: What are the things you can eat in order to stop it? My excretions are always soft... What can I do about it?

Two natural things
.....eat 2 or 3 coconut macaroon cookies each day
.....drink 1 to 2 ounces of apple cider vinegar in 8 to 10 ounces of V8 or tomato juice a couple of times a day

I have diarrhea quite often because of medications and use the apple cider vinegar/tomato juice often. It works better than Immodium AD and you don't end up with the opposite problem (constipation)

eat vegetables.

u are so lucky i always wanted diarha i do just today since i took lacsatives anyway that liquid is not excression theres probably a big ball in ur stomach

It doesnt sound like diorrhea, cos thats more like liquid. Given the choice, I would rather have loose stools than hard ones cos they can hurt like hell

Well, if this is a long-term issue, you might want to speak with your doctor or a nutritionist, as this may entail altering your diet entirely.

If you drink a lot of coffee, that acts as a laxative of sorts, so that itself could possibly be an issue. Altering your diet unexpectedly and drastically can also cause these issues, which is why it would be something to talk to a nutritionist about. Cheeses are known to slow bowel movements in a lot of people, but I wouldn't rely on that.

You can take CASSAVA, Brazilian arrow root biscuits and same stuff in powder form is a food with lactic acid., soft meal

There's a difference between soft and liquid.
High fibre diets and healthy foods create easy poops.
You don't want to be one of those hemorrhoid producing heavers do you?
It also means your metablism is quicker or youre not all blocked up inside.

I went to my doc and told him I had an hereditary disease , he said "Whats that then"?
I told him diarrhea, he said it wasnt hereditary!
But I know it was in my jeans cos I had looked???
Hope this helps??

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