How do I get rid of blemishes and zits without squeezing them or using pro-activ!


How do I get rid of blemishes and zits without squeezing them or using pro-active or anything expensive.?

They are on my forehead and nose and there is one below my chin and about an inch to my right of my mouth.


Well if you don't want to use anything on your skin to clear out the blemishes, make sure you wash your face good and maintain it clean. do not touch your face with your hands because you might irritate them more and spread bacteria. Honestly toothpaste is good to put on right before you go to bed. There is something in the toothpaste that aids in drying them out. Also, buy witch hazel, which a bottle should run you under $1.50 or 2 bucks. apply it as you would an astringent with a cotton ball after you wash your face. don't use anything that contains oil on your face. use moisturizers that are oil free. always wash before you go to bed to get rid of the daily dirt your face accumulates during the day.

I hope this helps.

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