Accutane for mild acne?!


Accutane for mild acne?

I have had mild but consistent acne for almost ten years. Nothing has worked consistenly. I am considering Accutane, but was thinking my skin might not be bad enough to take a full course. What is the shortest amount of time you can be on it? My Derm gave me spironolactone as an antiandroginen to help stop hormonal breakouts-it worked for a few months and now the break outs are back-on the face and back. It isn't horrible and cystic but it is ALWAYS there and I am very self concious about it. Anyone else had similar experiences?

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3 weeks ago
Yes, I have tried everything else, topical and about three or four different antibiotics over the years...nothing has worked longer than 3-5 months!


I would suggest you go on accutane if you are serious about getting rid of it for good. I went on accutane for mild acne for 5 months and it cleared it 100%. it has been 6 months now and no acne and i havent been using face wash or anything. the only problem is accutane has many side effects. Plus in women you have to get a pregency test. The only thing i did not like about it was you had to be registered and your dosage kept tract of and it made me very very moody.

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