Question about syphilis?!

Question: Question about syphilis!?
i got the HIV and STD test about two weeks ago and tested positive for syphilis!. i already got the shot and will come back next week for the second treatment!. my question is, why didnt i ever showed syptoms!?(breakouts on the anus, mouth, hands, etc)!. does that tell what stage am i in!? and also, its been buggling my mind how i got it since i always practice safe sex!.!.!.!.thank so much :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have you ever had unprotected oral sex!? Well bingo, that's most likely when you got it if you didn't use protection!. It can be transmitted through vaginal, anal, and ORAL sex!. Oral sex is the most common way to contract it because your mouth is full of saliva and it needs the "wetness" to live!.

As for your symptoms!. About 90% of people show symptoms of Syphilis!. You may have just been in the 10%!. The first stage is a chancre sore that will appear where the virus first entered your body!. Either your genitals or your mouth!. The thing is, if you contracted it through oral contact, you may have overlooked the chancre sore!. People who don't have syphilis get chancre sores all the time (myself included), from hot foods, biting your cheek, tongue, etc!. You may have thought it was a normal chancre sore, but it really wasn't!.

The second stage is a rash that usually appears on the palms of hands and soles of your feet!. It could have been so light that you didn't even notice it!. It may have just been on the bottom of your feet!. And seriously, who looks at the bottom of their feet on a daily basis!? The rash isn't annoying, it's just there!.

The third stage is its latent stage where all the symptoms go away and the bacteria is doing the most damage!. However, you may or may not suffer brain damage from it!. I had a friend who had sex with her boyfriend and became celibate after they broke up!. Ten years later (when she got a new boyfriend), she got tested and found out she contracted Syphilis!. The neurologist said her brain looked normal, as did the rest of her body!. It may or may not cause permanent damage, it's just the luck of the draw!.

You won't know what stage your in!. The only thing you can do is ask every person that you have had sex with if they have it!. If your boyfriend now has it, and your ex doesn't, chances are you got it from him, and you can determine when you contracted it from there!. If it's been shorter than about 5 or so years, chances are it didn't cause any permanent damage!. Good thing you contracted a curable STD and good luck! I wish you the best!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Symptoms of syphilis are very easily overlooked!. Primary syphilis is stage 1 and will appear as a chancre sore!. Problem is!.!.!. it can occur inside your body so you won't notice it!. Second stage can occur as a rash on the palm of your hands!.!.!. also easily over looked!. Third stage is a latent stage without symptoms!. And the last stage is the nasty one and can affect the brain!.

Syphilis can be transmitted even if you practice safe sex!. All it takes is oral sex with someone with a sore!.!.!.!.

Be happy it was caught early!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

there could've been a tiny hole in the condom that wasn't recognised!. And just because you have a std doesn't always mean you'll have symptoms!.!.And are you sure you've never had oral sex!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe 1 of the rubbers broke or had a hole in itWww@Answer-Health@Com

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