Could I have diabetes? help!?!

Question: Could I have diabetes!? help!!?
Ok so i was on a school trip this week and i wasnt feeling well all week and one of the chaperones said it could possibly be symptoms of diabetes!.
I crave sugar, always have headaches, and get really tired and dizzy all of a sudden sometimes!. I also get really dehydrated and get extremely thirsty!. I weigh 115 pounds, im 5'2, and have a pretty average athletic body!.
I dont think it could be but i just want to be sure!.
Thank you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your symptoms could be from anything!. Have your mom make an appointment with your doctor for you!. But craving sugar is not a symptom of diabetes!. It is usually a symptom of a low blood sugar, and diabetes usually means high blood sugars!.

Your chaperone needs some diabetes education!.


You have a few symptoms of diabetes but I'm not certain that it's diabetes!. The most common symptoms are being thirsty or hungry all the time, really tired (more than usual) and rapid weight loss!. Since you aren't overweight that's not your problem!. I think you should see your doctor because there is no other way you will know for sure!. A quick blood test will give you your answer!. Hopefully it's not diabetes and after seeing a doctor you will know why you feel the way you do and get the right treatment instead of just guessing what it might be!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The chaparone was a moron to suggest that out of the blue just because you were feeling off!. Sounds to me like you have a very average bod there!. Thirsty means you might have an infection, cold coming on, or lots of other things!. Headaches happen!!

Talk to your mom and get a doctors appointment for complete physical including blood draws!. Then you will be sure what is the matter if anything!.

Craving sugar is a symptom of having too many carbos for dinner last night!! One overdose of them leads to another!. It is NOT a symptom of diabetes and doesn't cause it either!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was diagnosed with diabetes 2 weeks ago!. I had lost weight, dehydrated, often urination, I have never had a problem with wounds healing!. I was hungry all the time!. The problem was my body was no longer making insulin and it was using what little stored energy ( fat ) I had!. I am 5' 11" and weighed 139 when Diagnosed!. There is no record of this in my family!. Go get checked!. it is simple, and the best thing is if found during pre-diabetes it could be stopped and reversed!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have two sons that are insulin dependent diabetics, the symptoms they had right before diagnosis was: constantly going to the bathroom to urinate, I'm talking every 30 minutes, dark circle under the eyes, dehydration weight loss, excessive thirst!. If you're worried and want to know before you go to the doc get a bottle of ketone strips for diabetics from the drugstore and pee on it, if you have ketones then you need to see a doc ASAP!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, those are some signs of diabetes, but there is more to it!. A clear sign of diabetes unable to heal wounds!. A low sugar could trigger this symptoms!. See a doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

These symptoms are not definite signs that you are diabetic!. but if you are really concerned about your health you should probably see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Lose the sugar!. Eat meals at regular times!.
Check your blood sugar!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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