Is it better to give a two week notice when quitting a job or just up and quitti!

Question: Is it better to give a two week notice when quitting a job or just up and quitting!?
I just quit my job!. I was supposed to go to work at 6 o'clock in the morning and it is now 1 o'clock!. I cannot sleep!. I am not even tired and I have been up since 8:00 this morning!. I am taking some antibiotics and it might be effecting but I don't think so!. I couldn't sleep before I started the job!. I just started a week ago!. I am going job hunting tomorrow, I have been offered several other jobs, so I am going to take one of them!. Please no lectures about quitting a job I only worked at for a week!. My body won't allow me to go for long periods of time with no sleep!. I have some physical problems!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Best time to look for a new job is when you have a job!.If you only worked there a week, how could you give two weeks notice!?
You ideally should give 2 wks notice because it can mean you are eligible for rehire or other benefits/ severance pay, accumulated vacation pay, You want to leave on good terms!. I don't know what your job was or how old you are, but if you really hated the job, well, you'll just get another one!. If you are under 25, it doesn't matter!. I would not even mention it on any job applications, I just wouldn't, If you have a long duration between jobs, just say so and don't include the 1 wk job!. Everyone has quit on the spot with no notice, in all career fields!. I did, when I was 19 at a grocery store, I was in college, no sleep, exams and had to repeat a course!. I didn't go to work on their busiest day, the manager called me, told me to come in, I said didn't have a ride, he said take a taxi, I said, I quit!. he said,don't do this to me!. too bad, live goes on!. Later you'll laugh about it and have another story to tell!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Be honest, just tell them you're quitting!. You'll never if someday for some reason you'll need to go back to work there again, or if any of the other employers happens to be at another job that you want to do!. I was working with a new person and she quit without letting anybody know about it!. A year later, I was working at a different job where this person went to applied!. I told the boss that the person was not reliable, needless to say she did not got the job!. So, is best to be honest!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should always give a notice when quitting a job, but it doesn't have to be 2 weeks, it can be 1 week or 4 days, but as long as u give a notice, it's all good!!

I hope that you find a great job that you enjoy, i just got my first job and It's pretty good as far as what the requierments are!.

bst of luck w/ur job hunt,

You Might have to Keep current job off next Resume then!.!.!.!.!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

u should give noticed to ur management or manager 2wk early before quitting so they can find replacement for ur spot ok ;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

tell them ur doneWww@Answer-Health@Com

So I'm a little bit confused!. Well you can sleep is that the reason for quitting your job!? Because you have to be there at 6am but are still awake now!?
Anyway for the main question!.!.!.
IT is smart and professional for you to put your two weeks in!. If something happens and you want to go back to your old job, if you just up and quit you can not come back to it!.
ALSO I would not leave a job unless I already had another just in case with the economy the way it is you do not get another one within a week or two that is time you will go without pay!. My husband got laid of recently because of the economy and it has been a hassle for him trying to get a new job!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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