I Got A Flu Shot This Morning.?!

Question: I Got A Flu Shot This Morning!.!?
And now I feel like I'm coming down with a cold!. How will this effect the shot!? I got it because my mom is 80 and has serious health problems, I did it to protect her!. Will it still be effective!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The flu and a cold are 2 completely different things!. While you need to take precautions to keep her from catching the cold, you shouldn't get the flu!. Flu shots are not 100% effective and you still may get the flu (its effective only for certain strains, not all strains are covered) so just follow good hand washing!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i'm sure that it won't effect it, your body is most likely used to fighting off colds by now!. take some vitamin C, and get a lot of rest!. airborne also helps if you take it right when you see symptoms of a cold coming on!. that way, you won't get a cold, and it will have no way of effecting the shot!. but, like others said, the flu shot isn't 100% effective!.!. the one year that i got the flu shot i ended up with the flu!.!.!. :/Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're shot will not be effected by your cold!. You made a good decision to get the flu shot to protect your mom!.

ps!. someone has an idiot for a chiropractor, which is a shame because all medical professional should be well informed or at least know enough not to give incorrect advise!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

My chiropractor dosen't recommend flu shots because of the mercury content!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You got sick from taking the shot!. It will go away in a few days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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