ACCUTANE!!!!!!!! help!!!!!?!

Question: ACCUTANE!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!?
Im so excited! I finally got perscribed accutane after like a year of begging for it!. I'm just wondering about your guy's experience with it!. what should i expect!? THANKS! <3Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was on it for 5 months and not a single regret!. However!.!. I did have side affects!. For me they included!.!. extremely dry lips, dry skin, (but I did go through treatment in winter) a few bloody noses (They say only 5% of people get those though) and I was more emotional then normal!.!.!. not suicidal but more emotional!.!.!. I cried durring movies in Social and I'm not a crying person!. I'm 15 (16 in a few days) I was 15 while on the treatment and have no regrets!. (However me going through a second time might be an option since I started with horrible acne and still do have some!.) One more thing my great aunt!.!. oldest family member alive told me this last week she thought my skin was 100% better and she didn't even know I was on the treatment!. Good luck and I absolutely wish you the best!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Accutane is miraculous! I am one of those lucky people who never had acne troubles as a teenager!. So, when I was hit with "adult" acne in my mid-twenties, it really took me by surprise!. I tried everything imaginable to calm it down, but nothing helped!. That is, nothing until I discovered the magic of Accutane! Not only did it completely wipe out every bit of my acne, but I have never, ever had even the smallest pimple now in over ten years!

I'm sure the reasons why more people don't turn to this are the price and the warnings that accompany it!. Although it can be expensive, it is truly worth every penny!. If you have reached the point where you are starting Accutane, you must have gone through a lot of alternative techniques to fight your acne already!.

Even though the cost was tough for me to handle, I think the possible side effects my doctor listed were even more difficult to face!. But, although I am sure some people have challenges with side effects, most people have no trouble at all with using Accutane!. It was very easy for me!. As I recall, all I did was made sure I kept out of the sun!. Other than that, there were no problems!.

You have made a very important decision that will make a positive and long-lasting change in you for the better!. As long as you follow your doctors instructions, I believe you will find Accutane to be the best gift you've ever given yourself!. You deserve a lot of credit for keeping up the fight and finally being able to start this wonderful product!.

Best of luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com


One of the most common ways of treating acne is the use of retinoids!. Retinoids are substances derived from Vitamin A, which attempt to cure acne by normalizing the lifecycle of follicle cells!. There are two types of such substances, based on application: external (topical) and oral!. The best known external retinoids are Retin-A, Differin and Tazorac, while the oral retinoids list is headed by the popular Accutane!.

However, about one quarter of the patients who used Accutane or other drugs based on isotretinoin may relapse and require additional treatment!.

But the biggest drawback of retinoids is the long list of side effects, which sometimes makes retinoids look like a disease rather than a cure!.

The most common side effects are dry skin and nosebleeds!. Many patients have also reported liver problems, while a few complained of depression!. However, the scientific community is still split on the issue of depression!. More seriously, isotretinoin is known to cause birth defects, which is why female patients have to use two separate forms of birth control or vow abstinence during the treatment!. Pregnant women are not allowed to use anything but the mildest treatments!.

The bottom line is that retinoids are a good idea if one can cope with the side effects!. This begs the question: why not use something just as effective, but without the side effects!. Acne treatment systems, such as ClearPores: http://www!.clearpores!.com/clicks/clickth!.!.!. are also popular because of their success in dealing with the condition, but lack the extreme side that makes retinoids a pain to use!. The choice between these treatments is yours!.


I took it two years ago, and your face gets really reallly dry, especially if you wear make-up!.!.!.so make sure you have a really good moisturizer and use it often! aside from the dry skin, the only downfall is having to take bloodtests twice a month, but you'll be pleased with the results!Www@Answer-Health@Com

that drug is extremely dangerous, becareful about how much you take of itWww@Answer-Health@Com

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