I don't get it, with all these symptoms, he is 99 % sure it is not cancer!?!

Question: I don't get it, with all these symptoms, he is 99 % sure it is not cancer!!?
My son is 8, he has 4 swollen lymph nodes!. The bigger one is now less than 1 cm!. night sweats(really bad) especially around neck and back!.on and off low grade fever,itches alot, especially in evening, headache on side of head nodes are on,bloated stomach, and feels weak at times!. Is not excessively tired, though!. Went to surgeon, finally!. He was reluctant to do biopsy, said he was 99 % sure it is not cancer, even with all the symptoms!. We are scheduled next friday for biopsy, because I insisted!. My question is, can you have all this, and it NOT be cancer!? I am going to be so happy to find out it is all ok!. Does all this mean something!. Or, is this doctor doing the same thing other people warned me about!. Oh, and he lost 6 pounds in three weeks, but is still eating!. ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

I don't want to panic you, but I would definitely have the biopsy done if I were you!.

My mum had a tumor in her salivary gland that was there since she was in her 20s!. It was benign for most of that time, however, some time recently it turned cancerous and spread to her lymph nodes!. The oncologist doubted that it was cancer, he didn't even really believe the results of the biopsy when they came back positive, simply because in the standard medical opinion they rarely turn cancerous!.

Its better to be safe than sorry, it may be putting your boy through a little bit of pain, but it will be worth it!.

Anyway, I hope all is well and it's only something simple like a flu!.


Angie B!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go with your gut, Mom!. Yes there are syndromes that can mock some of these symptoms!. If the doctor blows you off!. By all means go for a second and third opinion!. Insurance will pay for at least a second opinion!. But I would go to the most trusted facility you can get to!. Not just the local yokels!. The biopsy should give you an answer one way or the other!. Good Luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you doubt the first doctor, then get a second and third opinion!. Children get all sort of infections and it is possible that your child is fighting off one!. It should not be ignored, of course but don't panic and assume the worst!. Don't miss the medical appointment!. Your child should not be suffering so much!. In fact, I would have taken my child to the ER long ago!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't believe it is cancer either!. It sounds like an infection!. The lymph nodes are usually swollen accompanied by a fever!. But you should still see your doctor so that he can be treated with antibiotics and it doesn't spread into something bigger!. Hope he gets better soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First, what does your regular pediatrician say!? Does the Doctor have a diagnosis because you son clearly had something wrong!. I think I would go to a pediatric endocrinologist if this doctor isn't able to determine what is wrong!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

He's 8! What does he know about cancer!?! You need to take him to the doctor immediatelyWww@Answer-Health@Com

Check out some of these!.


well what you are describing sound like food allergy!. What do I know about that!? I have already had a duadenal endoscopic biopsy of my small intestine also!The thing is with that test having been proven at cambridge to be only 60 percent effective at finding Celiacs"gluten intolerance"!.There is only one 100 percent effective way to be sure!. This is called the HLA DQ2 and the HLA DQ8 genetic blood test to be sent to Prometheus Labs in california!.Just google the lab name and see if I am accurate!. I have failed my endoscopic biopsy only to be self genetically proven!. I have since found out that the genetic propensity for gluten intolerance is currently at 43 percent of the world population!. I say that we are CARNIVORE and not omnivore!.With the leading experts in the field making these statements, why is the FDA pumping wheat gluten into our children at every corner!?If you wish to educate yourself further, follow my trail or path of mental enlightenment!. This is university science and not to be mistaken with Tom Cruise alien space ship saving only his superior butt Scientology!. Try to prove my theory wrong, I dare you!. If you find me creditable, ask the news who the heck is this weird seeker guy!. If not ignore me! Good luck either way!.This could save you from diabetes , asthma, mental health from ADHD to dementia and autism, kidney failure, eating disorders of fat or thin, high cholesterol, blood pressure high and low, arthritis,epilepsy terret's migraines,occular maccular degeneration, hearing loss, MS, and a list so crazy, you might ask why!. A celiac consuming wheat has the national Grade point average of 2!.4!. The celiac with improved digestion and increased blood flow to the mind organ, the brain, holds a GPA of 3!.9!. Go figure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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