Questions about Eczema?!

Question: Questions about Eczema!?
I was just diagnosed with eczema yesterday!. I have these rash like spots under both of my arms, one on my neck (that is almost gone) and now a small one forming under my eye!. I've never had this problem until recently, so I'm wondering if eczema is permanent!? is this something I will always have to treat!? (I did receive a prescription to help treat it) Also, I have some acne, and I'm 20 years old, so I'm wondering if this is going to be more difficult to treat now with eczema!? Thanks for any info!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

eczema can be triggered at any point in your life!.
it can worsen with a change in environments hot humid climates increase this!.
Did you recently move!?
it could be simple things too like washing powder!.
acne should have nothing to do with it Www@Answer-Health@Com

eczema is permanent but the severity of it changes!. When I'm under a lot of stress the rash and flaking skin gets much worse!. I use Cetaphil for normal to oily skin to wash my face (I've got acne too) and it's so mild it really helps!. I also use Eucerine plus as a moisturizer it really helps with the flaking and rash!. Neither have aggravated my acne!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's permanent!. I've had it for almost 25 yrs!. Mine's worse in Fall & Spring with hot days-vs-cold nights!.!.!.skin histamines overract to temperature changes!. And stress!.

Best advice: Apply whatever cream/lotion you're prescribed MANY MANY MANY times day!. You may think Morning, Noon, & Night's enuf!. It's NOT!. You MUST apply it at the onset of EACH itch cycle!

There's so much I could tell you & advice & meds I could recommend, but just find the medicine that works for you (and it can change from month-to-month, year-to-year), but once you find one, USE it MANY times a day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ness is right!.!.!.!.this can have many triggers and can come and go throughout your life, and it is not related to your acne!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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