What is the best medication for exercise induced asthma?!

Question: What is the best medication for exercise induced asthma!?
(Advair, singulair, or albuterol) i heard all this medications are great for exercise induce asthma, but which one works the best i play soccer in high school and we do so much running everyday so want to be taking the best medication!.!.!.!.

Or if you know of any others that work better for my condition please feel free to let me know, thanks!.


I have exercise induce asthma, before doctors even admitted it existed!.

If exercise is the only trigger and you don't experience any symptoms outside of exercise, I don't think that the advair will help that much!. What has worked for me is to take the albuterol before I exercise (at least 15 min!. before)!. I also try to control my breathing, which is hard and can be painful!. But if you start out controlling your breathing, when you start running, you may be less likely to trigger an attack or moderate the symptoms!. I would count to three as I inhaled, hold my breath for a count of three, and then exhale slowly for a count of three!. I would also breath in through my nose!.

The breathing thing really works!. I have had exercise induced asthma since I was a child, but was told that I just hyperventilate - all the asthmatic classmates were convinced I was having an asthma attack!. It wasn't until a college basketball player died of exercise induced asthma in the 80's that the diagnosis changed!. I played baseball and soccer for years and just concentrated on my breathing!. It can really help, but the albuterol makes it easier!.

What I have also discovered is that the more that I exercise, on a steady and regular basis (no sprints) the easier I breathe and the fewer attacks I have even while exercising!.

As a side note, my exercise induced asthma converted to chronic asthma after a severe, recurrent bout of bronchitis and I now use singulair on a regular basis!.

I have included a link about exercise induced asthma below!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Usually, you can just use your albuterol inhaler 1/2 hour before exercise!. That should keep you breathing freely!.

If you want to try a controler medicine, I'd try Singulair!. Singulair is a good controller medicine for general use, but if it still doesn't control your exercise induced asthma, I'd definitely drop it and stick to the albuterol just before exercise!.

Talk to your doctor about your ideas and concerns and let them know what you'd like to try to get minimal amounts of medicines in your body, but still avoid any lung damage!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are 2 types of inhalers: preventative and rescue!. Preventative inhalers help to prevent/control you asthma symptoms from occuring!. People who use this, usually take it once in the morning and once in the evening!. My patients who use this rarely have to use their rescue inhalers!. Rescue inhalers are meant to be used when a person is experiencing an asthma attack!. DO NOT use a preventative inhaler during an asthma attack!. It takes too long to take effect!.

Some preventative inhalers are symbicort and advair!. Some rescue inhalers are albuterol, atrovent and combivent!.

My advice would be for you to see if you can get a prescription for a preventative inhaler and a rescue inhaler!. Take the preventative in the morning and keep the rescue by your side for in case!. You should be fine and may not have to use your rescue!. Preventatives help people live a normal, healthy life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think advari and singulair are for asthma sufferers to use everyday, Kind of like instead of taking a pill
Albuterol is for every once and a while!. Id go with albuterol, but i'd also go to a DR and see what they reccommendWww@Answer-Health@Com

The best medicine is prevention!. If you know something induces an attack, don't do it!.

If you have an attack, different people respond differently to different medications!. Work with your doctor to find one that's good for you!.!.!. not someone else on the Internet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I take all of those!.

Singular -can help it ,but mostly allergies

advar-controls asthma

nebulizer -if you are having an asthma attack,that will help instintaly
It saved my life!!!!

Advar and cingular will not stop an asthma attack!



Well asthma can effect the way u look at jogging/running but to be honest i had asthma and doing heart/lungs exercises like jogging or running even walking will help u increase ur max load on ur lungs so they will be stronger then urasthma won't act up as often!.Www@Answer-Health@Com



tell your doctor!.!. s/he may give you a preventer in order to PREVENT your airways from closing up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My neice uses Singulair and it seems to work pretty well for her!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

albuterol i use to take it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

YOGA is good!Www@Answer-Health@Com

see your Dr and they will order what is best for you!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

slow down on the excersixzeWww@Answer-Health@Com

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