What does the results of herpies?!


What does the results of herpies?


What is Herpes?
Herpes is a common viral infection. It causes oral herpes (cold sores or fever blisters), and genital herpes (genital sores or sores below the waist).

There are two herpes simplex viruses:
• Herpes Simplex Type 1 (HSV-1)
• Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV-2)

These viruses look identical under the microscope, and either type can infect the mouth or genitals. Most commonly, however, HSV-1 occurs above the waist, and HSV-2 below.

The body's natural defense system is called the "Immune Responses". Whenever herpes attacks the immune system, the body fights back against this menace. As the battle grows more intense, there are heavy losses by both the herpes virus and the immune system. This causes the body to be less able to defend itself from attacks by other viruses. For those very reasons, a herpes patient should try to keep the herpes virus under control at all times.

There are two widespread attitudes about herpes:

* Herpes does not effect any other part of the body.
* There is nothing I can do to keep from having an outbreak.

Both attitudes are wrong!


You are not alone. Herpes is estimated to affect some 80 million people in America. At least one in five adults in the United States has genital herpes.

Get more information. The better informed you are about herpes, the easier it will be to manage.

Give yourself the best possible chance to limit recurrences by maintaining general good health and keeping stress to a minimum.

Take care of the affected skin area. Keep the area dry and clean during outbreaks to help healing.

Avoid physical contact with the area from the time of the first symptoms (tingling, itching, burning) until all sores are completely healed, not just scabbed-over. Also be aware of possible shedding or "asymptomatic transmission", even after the sores have healed.

When properly used, latex condoms help reduce your risk of spreading or getting herpes.

Prevent self-infection to other areas of your body. Wash your hands with soap and water if you touch a sore. Better yet, don't touch the sores.

Prospective parents: If either mother or father has genital herpes, or any of the mother's previous sexual partners had genital herpes, tell your doctor about it.

It is possible to get genital herpes from cold sores.

Women with genital herpes: Don't skip your annual Pap smear.

Inform yourself about herpes. For many, diagnosis with herpes can mean a time of confusion, anger, fear and frustration. For many, it seems there is no place to turn for help in dealing with the sensitive aspects of herpes infection. There is help available.

Increase your intake of L-Lysine and decrease the amount of arginine in your diet.

Herpes is spread by direct contact.


Although there is no cure for herpes, some drugs have been effective in reducing the frequency and duration of outbreaks. It might be a good idea to discuss options with your doctor.

During an outbreak, keep the infected area as clean and dry as possible. This will help your natural healing processes. Some doctors recommend warm showers in order to cleanse the infected area. Afterwards, towel dry gently, or dry the area with a hair dryer on a low or cool setting. To prevent chaffing, some people also find it helpful to avoid tight-fitting undergarments. Most creams and lotions do no good and may even irritate.

Finally, a healthy immune system may be important in controlling the virus. Don't ignore the need for proper nutrition, exercise, and rest.

Alternative Solutions

There are also alternative treatments for those who wish to suppress herpes naturally:

Red Marine Algae, Aviralex, Vir-L-Lysine, Aeura, and H-Balm

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