How to get rid of acne once and for all?!

Question: How to get rid of acne once and for all!?
I know that it's hormonal, but many girls my age have clear skin and i want that too!.(i'm 17) I don't want to spend much money, and would appreciate ideas for natural remedies or nutrition!. Also anything that really worked from your personal experience!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Acne can be an on going battle even adults can struggle with acne!. Read tips on Treating Acne, Skincare and Home Remedies on this site

There is really nothing you can do, 99% of people get acne at some point, its better that you have it now than later, as getting it late will leave bad scars!. Acne severity comes from a combination of hormones and genetics, some people have clear skin, and others don't, its just the way it is!. I know you don't want to spend some money, but thats the only way to really get long lasting results!. Being someone who suffered from acne, I tried everything, however, proactive works best!. If you don't want to do that then talk to a doctor and look for alternative ways, I don't know what kind of skin you have so I can't really recommend anything!. As far as nutrition goes, it doesn't have a whole lot to do with acne, however oily foods and chocolate tend to trigger break outs!. Also, don't overwash your face (stick to twice a day) and do NOT pop your pimples, you will have horrendous scars!. Its also verrrrrrrrryyyyyy important that you don't touch your face because one slight touch can make the difference between your pimple drying out while its small or going full out!.

-------Hope I helped! Best of luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You shouldn't have to spend a lot of money!.

This answer will help, I have done it, I know it works!!

I am able to get rid of pimples within 3 days on the zap that zit program!.

Also, at night I use clearisil deep cleaning pads, then load up on the benzoyl peroxide!. And then again in the morning!.

There are great articles that will definitely help you get rid of your pimples in 3-5 days at;



You will be free of pimples,it worked for me, I guarantee it!!




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