Can Dilaudid and Darvon be taken together? ?!

Question: Can Dilaudid and Darvon be taken together!? !?
Prognosis is 6 mos has been on taking prescription pain relievers for 15 years for back pain, Now has Lung cancer Stage 4Www@Answer-Health@Com

This person could take Darvon and Dilaudid together without any real risk!.
If the Darvon somehow helps this person's chronic back pain and has for 15 years, there is no need to stop it because of the Dilaudid for the cancer discomfort!. Darvon is a much weaker opiate compared with Dilaudid, but it has no narcotic antagonist effect!. It's always a good idea to discuss this with the oncologist and primary care physicians who are managing this person's care!. They know the full details of the case!. Anything that works to provide comfort is OK for people facing the last six months of life due to an incurable malignancy!. I've always though propoxyphene (Darvon) was fairly ineffective for real pain relief, but some people seem to feel it helps them!. Whatever works is OK in my book for Hospice patients!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I was on dilaudid they told me not to take anything at all with it without asking cause it interacts with lots of meds badly!.

Darvon is a relatively low pain killer - not much theraputic use except when you need something a little stronger than asprin and something that won't affect your mind much!.

I would ask - the risks may be higher than the help it will give you!. If you are in the US you could call a 24 hour pharmacy - tell them you have 2 prescriptions prescribed at different times, you use their pharmacy sometimes, can they tell you whether or not to take them together!. Talk to the pharmacist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I certainly wouldn't!. Dilaudid will make you hallucinate!. I know because I was in the hospital seeing vampires in my hospital room!. I turned into a werewolf and attacked the guy in the next bed!. Blood was everywhere!.
Whew, I need to stay off that stuff!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Unless these were prescribed for you, no don't take those together!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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