Ex Smokers? What worked for you?!

Question: Ex Smokers!? What worked for you!?
I want to quit smoking!. I have smoked for about 8 years and have tried about 3 times to quit!. I know it is bad for my health, I know the risks of continuing to smoke, I know it smells foul and is bad for the people around me and I am not getting any enjoyment out of it!. Its also an expensive habit!. Each time I have tried to quit, I have started by cutting down!. I am smoking 4's at the moment, down from 12's!. The biggest problem is that everyone around me smokes and so it is hard not to smoke when I can see it and smell it!. It doesn't help when people discourage you by saying ''you won't last!.'' I've tried patches, gum and tried going cold turkey!. What worked for you and what advice do you have for me!? Please help!.
Thanks - SkyeWww@Answer-Health@Com

I am a nico-halic!. I have been nicotine free since 12/20/07!. I have been a heavy smoker (1 pack/day) since the age of 13, I am 42 now!. I have tried to quit many times and would revert back to smoking every time but, I feel that this time if for life!. The biggest influence for me to quit this time was when my 17 year old boy told me, "Dad, I will still need you when you are 45", that hit me deep in my heart!. Also, after 20 years of smoking 1 pack a day you start to feel the results in your chest!. I have found that the hardest part about quitting is the first 2 weeks!.!.!. get over this hurdle and GIVE YOURSELF A PAT ON THE BACK (Atta-boy), after that it is all will power!. I can tell you that when you are older you WILL regret ever picking up your first cigarette but, on the other hand you will never regret QUITTING!!! Don't smoke that next cigarette!!

When you quit smoking, the benefits begin within minutes of your last cigarette!.

At 20 minutes after quitting:
? Blood pressure decreases
? Pulse rate drops
? Body temperature of hands and feet increases!.

At 8 hours:
? Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
? Oxygen level in blood increases to normal

At 24 hours:
? Chance of a heart attack decreases

At 48 hours:
? nerve endings begin regrowth
? ability to smell and taste improves
Deciding to Quit Smoking
It takes courage to put down that last cigarette and quit smoking!. Most people feel an intense combination of fear and excitement leading up to their quit date!. Feeling afraid to quit smoking is completely normal, and is a by-product of addiction!. Don't let that fear paralyze you, however, because the benefits you'll experience once you quit are well worth the work it takes to achieve


My mom quit when me and my brother were born!. She went off on cold turkey; and said it wasn't easy, but worked!.

I also hear gum that has Nicotine in it works great, and the patches, and this special ear magnet that you put in a special place, and it destroys your craving to smoke!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I got really sick one day and when Im sick I cant smoke, so I toke it as a opportunity and stopped!. My advice is to quit cold turkey once you haven't had one for a long while you wont want one again I tried to take a drag after from my friend and it was sooo harsh, trust me you wont even want it in a few months!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

my network of non smokers is how i did it, hang wit those who dont smoke and limit time wit those who do!. also, keep urself busy with other things!. it wasnt until i was bored that i needed a smoke!.

if its a stress thing, do what you can to get un-stressed as fast as possible and try to avoid smoking at all costs!.

also i've never actually used them, but how about that gum to help!? u seem to have smoked alot so that might help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used gum - but the most important part of my giving up was the timing - I gave up at a time when I knew I wasn't going to see anyone who know I smoked for a few days (when I accompanied my young son into hospital)!. That way there was no-one to offer me a cigarette which I could be tempted to take or take without thinking!. I suggest you try the same - perhaps when going on a fortnights holiday!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, The first time I quit!. I got pregnant!. It made me barf!.
5 years later while moving I started up again!. Then had to quit!. It was for the best!. Money wise and the coughing!. I chewed a crap lot of gum and yelled at my hubby!. Another thing that helped!. Every time you get an urge brush your teeth!. It will take the leftover residue out of your mouth!. It really helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

nicoderm cq worked for me and determination!. and go to www!.quitnet!.com and get on their support forums!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Watching A 45 Year Old Uncle Who Looked More Like A 60 Year Old Go From Having A Cough One Day To Planting Him In The Ground Just Six Weeks Later!. He Saw The Dr When The Cough Got Bad And After X-rays They Found Shadows All Over Both Lungs!. From Diagnosis To Death He Lasted Four Weeks Exactly!
Avoiding Death Is A Huge Incentive When It Comes To Giving Up Smoking!Www@Answer-Health@Com

cold turkey is the only wayWww@Answer-Health@Com


Hey Skye I've seen you on this site before!. I'm not a smoker, I'm a psychologist, and the information I'm going to give you is scientifically researched, so it has value!. The way people quit smoking is by going cold turkey (that is from Dr!. Dean Edell at healthcentral!.com); however, what you might not know is that you are already on your way! It takes on average SEVEN sincere (not just going through the motions) attempts using the cold turkey method to finally kick it!. Also, it takes 21 days of not smoking to form a new haibt (of not smoking- yes, not smoking is also a habit)!.

One of the hard things about quitting is that even when you've quit years after, you may still have a craving for nicotine!. There is also something called aversive (counter)conditioning in which people have you relate smoking to something terrible like throwing up, so you don't want to smoke- this method is really not that effective!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi Skye,

I also lost some quits before I finally managed it (almost 5 years now)!. I read Allen Carr's book, but I started again!. When I finally got really disgusted by my own smoking, I enrolled for a 5 hours Allen Carr's session and quit cold turkey directly afterwards!.
I had a partner who kept on smoking, but I asked him to restrict that to certain parts of the house!. Apart from the smoking he was very supportive!. Oh don't let your "friends" trick you into smoking again!. As a quitter you are a manifesto of their weakness and they won't like that!.

Also I should mention I found some ongoing online support at Quitnet It's been an important factor in me staying determined and quit, expecially when I divorced last year!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I gave up just under a year ago!. In my opinion smoking is mainly about habit!. The first time I gave up I used nicotine products and ended up starting again! - When I gave up for good I decided not to use these products (as they are money wasters too!) and just tried to change my habits, I would chew gum, or have a lolly pop and I brought in a packed lunch for work so I wasn't tempted to go out for a fag!.

I'm not gonna lie to you, it was hard and took a lot of time and patience, but it's defintely worth it!! - The longer you stop the more pleased you will be with yourself and the easier it gets!!

Just take it one day at a time!

Good luck!. :) Www@Answer-Health@Com

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