Shingles (Herpes Zoster)? Diagnosis from pictures? Zovirax cost?!


Shingles (Herpes Zoster)? Diagnosis from pictures? Zovirax cost?

Anna has had this condition for over a year, and we now think it's Shingles. I know we should go see a doctor, but we can't until at least 3 weeks from now (nearest avail appointment).

If you are an MD or have personally dealt with this before, could you help us figure out what this condition is? It's only on her hands and her feet, as pictured. She says it doesn't hurt, but when she puts it under water or something, it's sensitive and burns a little.
Also, how much does Zovirax (the oral pill kind and/or cream) cost? (with and without a prescription)
I also heard that there is no cure for Shingles, and the antiviral medication only helps with the pain and healing time. Is there anything else we can do?



Anna definitely needs to see a dermatologist. From the description and photos, one possibility is Dyshidrotic eczema which is a skin condition usually affecting just the hands and feet. Shingles rash tends to be short lived and affect just one part of the body at a time and usually causes pain around the time the shingles rash is present and afterwards. There are many possibilities, including fungal infections, simple eczema, scabies, etc. This is why it is important she gets the correct diagnosis so that she can receive the best treatment. Good luck, and I hope she gets it sorted very soon.

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