Is it possible to be lactose intolerant, but only to milk?!

Question: Is it possible to be lactose intolerant, but only to milk!?
I notice that when I drink milk straight, or eat cereal, my stomach hurts, and I get diarrhea!. But if I have cheese, milkshakes, ice cream, etc!. I feel fine!. Is it possible to only be lactose intolerant to milk by itself!? And what's the solution!?

Yes and No!. The reaction you are describing is exactly the same as my son!. He has been diagnosed with an intolerance to casein, not lactose!. Casein is the protein found in milk and it has something to do with the pasteurization process that your body can no longer digest this properly!. Apparently if you were to drink milk directly from a cows udder you would be fine!. Anyway, you can digest the other dairy based items because as soon as milk is turned into anything else, such as ice cream, yoghurt, cheese etc the casein changes form and your body can deal with it!. I have no idea why you can drink milkshakes though - that's a little confusing, my son can't!. One warning though is to steer clear of Lactose Free milk as this gave my son the most severe reaction of anything-although no one can explain why!. The solution is pretty easy, don't drink milk!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Milk causes the most of the allergies from the dairy group!. Imagine as a line with one end the most allergy causing dairy, on the other the least!. The least allergy causing would be dairy that had some fermentation process, like a yoghurt, that been "predigested" by bacteria!. That process makes the components of a dairy product more digestible, and will cause the least degree of allergy!. Other poducts like cheese would also be on a different part of that line depending on the process, aging, and fat content!.

Different types of milk would be also causing different degree of reaction, goats milk, butter milk might have less degree of reaction to it!.

Unfortunatelly soy milk that been so highly regarded for lactose intolerance does not have such a good picture any more, as now many more switched to it they find that it cause allergic reactions as well!. This might be caused by the large scale GM soy production, once the genes altered, you never know what it will trigger in your system if you prone to allergies!.


I'd be a bit surprised - after all, if you have a milkshake, which is basically milk mixed with sugar you're fine, but you're allergic if it's just straight milk!? Seems improbable!.
I'd have suggested that you're probably allergic to some common ingredient in your cereal, except you get the same problem if you're just drinking milk!. Is it perhaps just milk from your fridge that causes the problem, in which case maybe it's that your fridge isn't working properly and the problems you have are related to drinking semi-off milk!?

I have the same issue myself!. I believe that the process that milk products undergo to become cheese, icecream etc breaks down the lactose in a such a way that it doesn't affect those who are intolerent, or affects them less than milk does!.

However it's odd that it doesn't affect you in milkshakes!. Maybe the shakes you get have more icecream than milk!? It's also been my experience that cream affects me the same way as milk, although sometimes I want scones and creams so much I decide to put up with the pain!

I think the best solution is simply to avoid milk!. I can't even stand the smell of it!. I love black coffee and tea, and I'm sure you can get used to it!. And iced coffee is best when it's black coffee poured over ice with icecream in it!. I believe we take in too much dairy as it is and no milk won't hurt you so long as you have another calcium source!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Lactose is a sugar found in milk and other milk products!. Unless it's been removed, which would be specified on the product then it there's milk in it and there's lactose and it should cause the same problems!. It doesn't make any sense that lactose in milk affects you but not in a milk shake or other genuine milk product!. I wonder it it's either a psychosomatic reaction or the other milk products aren't containing much milk really!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That's a good question because I've wondered the same!. My solution is that I buy the lactose free milk and since I'm fine with the other stuff, I don't worry!. Although, some shakes or ice cream will sometimes give me issues so I steer clear of those!. They do sell over the counter products for this!. Ask your local pharmacist for help finding one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I felt the same and tried the a2 milk which seemed to help!. have a read of their website it is interesting what they say!. Also try drinking more water- I have found that helps me a lot!. i still love my milk but i am not getting the stomach pain I used to get after drinking milk!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know what you mean! I used to think I was allergic to milk because it used to make me sick like you described all the time, especially cottage cheese!. But now, I don't get sick from it anymore, at least, not very often!. It makes no sense! :PWww@Answer-Health@Com

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