Tonsilitis cure...what is this doctor on?!

Question: Tonsilitis cure!.!.!.what is this doctor on!?
I have tonsilitis and i my doctor told me to eat lots of starch and drink lots of sweet fluids like cordial and flat lemonade to remove toxins from my body which cause tonsilitis!. Is this a standard treatment or is my doctor a nut job!.

I get tonsilitis a lot and and quite severly!. I am 18 and have developed and immunity to antibiotics bgecause they have been prescribed to me regularly for this reason!.


I have gotten strep throat 6-8 times a year since I was 4 ( now 20) and i have never been told that!. I think the only cure is to get your tonsils taken out!.!. I was immune to the antibotics also so I got my tonsils taken out 5 months ago and I can tell you the pain of that two weeks was worth the complete lack of all pain for the last 5 months!. Plus i lost 20 pounds!. lol doesn't get better than that!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

wow i have never heard of this in my life, i had my tonsils removed when i was a young child because of tonsiltis, it was pretty much the only cure to get me better and it did!. i think you're doctor must be wrong!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would go to another Doctor as soon as possible! I have never heard of anything so ridiculous!

Normally, sugar 'invites' problems!.

Never has it cured an internal infection!

A second opinion is your safest bet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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