Can sinus problems cause you to spit up blood?!

Question: Can sinus problems cause you to spit up blood!?
I went to the Dr 5 days ago he said I had tonsillitis and an URI!. He gave me on an antibiotic!. So far it hasnt done hasn'ting so I tried a salt and water mix up my nose like I read about in another question!.It worked wonders but now there is blood not allot, barley any but when i blow my nose and when i spit out what drained from my sinus to the back of my throat is this normal!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

frist it takes a while for the antibiotic takes a little while !.!.!.keep taking them!.!.i suffer thro this once a yr!.
yes you will spit blood!.!.!. and other stuff as well!.
next take chorlysepict spray for you throat!.!.!.it will not stop it completly but it will take the egde off!.!.!.
sinus infections take two weeks to really git over!.!.!.i hate that stuff!.!.!.
i wish you well!.!.!.and good luck!.!.!.!.EdWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes im pretty sure this is common with sinus infections!.!.usually you have headaches, pain in your nasal area and under your eyes!.!.also in your case behind your ears!.!.!.probably from the drainage!. and ive heard of people blowing and coughing blood!.!.awe im sorry your sick

hope you get to feeling better!!

prayers, and God blessWww@Answer-Health@Com

I am suffering too, I have sinus problems and really bad ear problems!.!.!.I think it is normal to spit up blood but you should go to the doctors!.I hope you get better soon :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

No it can not!.
Sinus comes from the back of the nasal passage!.
Go back to your doctorWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes this is normal, just keep on taking your pills and you'll get better soon!. I hope you start feeling much better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, it can!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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