Should I worry about my daughters constant leg pain?!

Question: Should I worry about my daughters constant leg pain!?
My 5 year old has been complaining about her right shin and thigh hurting since before she could talk!. It is on and off but happens at least twice a week!. It bring her to tears and the only thing the doctor says is growing pains!. I am really starting to think it is something other than growing pains, she is in so much pain sometimes and this has been going on for 4 years!!! The doctor does not think it is necessary to run test, does anyone know what may be causing her pain!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please take your daughter to see another Doctor!. I would be asking particularly about juvenile arthritis!. As far as i am concerned telling you it is growing pains is a Doctors way of telling you they just don't know what is causing the problem but no child should suffer for so long without proper investigation!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Does she have flat feet!? I had a lot of ankle and shin pain as a kid because of my flat feet!. I'd take her to a shoe store that specializes in running shoes--their used to viewing a runner's biomechanics and recommending a shoe based on what they see!. After I got the correct shoe as an adult, I was able to run eleven marathons without pain!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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