My iron is low..but how low?!

Question: My iron is low!.!.but how low!?
I googled and couldn't find much, I guess I'm not sure what to look for!.

I recently tried to donate blood, it was all fine until the helper guy leans over and says "its 38" and the nurse says "You can't donate, your iron is too low!."

How low IS "38" for my iron!? I'm working on getting it up but I was just wondering how low is low, I've got symptoms of anaemia so I'm working on that!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the normal range for serum iron (iron in ur blood) for women is 50 to 170 micro g/dL
you should have some symptoms of anaemia!!
38 is quite low!!
a month ago i'd visited my sister and her nails looked funny!. they looked spoon-like (in medicine we call it koilonychia, meaning spoon shaped nail) which is a symptom of iron deficiency!. and i asked her whether she feels tired and lazy all the time!. she instantly answered yes!. She was showing symptoms of iron deficiency, as was her 11 months old son, who was still breast feeding!! guess how much her iron level was!?!.!.!.!.it was 46!! 46 was a bit low!.!.!.and yours is lower!.!.!.
i reckon you should start doing something about it

-take iron (ferrous and ferric) supplements
-take vit B complex
-eat more red meats and red fish
-eat more broccoli and spinach

hope you get well soon

For a girl or woman who is menstruating, the regular blood loss can be the cause of low iron and can cause anemia!. You need to fortify your system more, eat more iron-rich foods and take iron supplements!.
If you have symptoms of anemia, then it's too low!.

Correcting iron deficiency anemia with iron supplements usually takes 3 to 6 weeks!.Iron supplements are usually taken by mouth!. An iron supplement is absorbed best when taken 30 minutes before breakfast with a source of vitamin C (either orange juice or a vitamin C supplement)!. Iron supplements are typically continued for 6 months after the blood counts return to normal to fully replenish the body's reserves!.

note: the different types of iron levels the above mentioned are hemoglobin levels or percentage of red blood cell count!. Without knowing which level they are talking about it is confusing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need to find out what type of anemia you have!. I am anemic, don't remember the type, but taking extra iron doesn't help me, my body doesn't absorb it!.!.!.!.I know lucky me!.!.!.!.anyways see a hematologist, they are drs who study your blood!.

good luck and hope you find answer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There's different types of iron levels, so you would have to know what type!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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