This is allergy season in the northeast. Does anyone know of home remedies? ?!

Question: This is allergy season in the northeast!. Does anyone know of home remedies!? !?
My nose is stuffy to the point that I can't breath!. I wake up at night to a dry mouth!. I have had this in the past but NEVER like this!.!.!.Is this a worst season that others!? What can I do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

have you been to the dr yet!? you need to see a dr first then!.!. get you some saline solution nose drops and breathe right strips!. drink plenty of water!. use the nose drops and the breathe right strips whenever you lay down!. always drink plenty of water!. water is good for everything!. once your nose is running keep drinking the water!. then you can quit using the breathe right strips and the saline solution!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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