Skin on my feet is peeling....!

Question: Skin on my feet is peeling!.!.!.!.
This is what my feet look
Sometimes its worse and sometimes it is not
Is there anything i can do to get rid of it!?
ive had it for years now and i cant find a solution

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10 points for best answer
please help

My left foot did the same thing!. It was only on the ball of my foot just below the toes!. My dr!. said it was athlete's foot!. I disagree!. I used lotion and tinactin powder and it still didn't go away!. I kept peeling at it and it just peeled until the end of the foot (didn't go on top) and it stopped!. It's still dry but I make sure to completely dry my feet after every shower!. You might want to try Tinactin powder just in case but for me, it didn't work!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

it seems it's a combination of dryness and dead skin!. get a pumice stone and scrub those bad boys at least three times a week, and moisturize them every day!.

if that doesn't help, see a doctor!. one of my friends had that happen to her hands and feet after she got TSS, a form of staph infection!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Air yoru feet out so they don't get moist, that's why it happens!. Try putting baby powder on them before putting on shoes to absorb excess moisture or I am sure you can get foot powder or w/eWww@Answer-Health@Com

It may be a fungal infection!. Try using some athelete's foot spray or powder!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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