How do you get rid of the bruises left from insulin syringes?!

Question: How do you get rid of the bruises left from insulin syringes!?
I have some small bruises on my stomache from taking my shot in my stomache!.!.!.!.regular bruises I know you can actually massaage out, but, these seem to be drifferent!. Does anyone know a way to get them to disappear more quickly!? I'm leaving for vacation, and never usually get them!.!.!.bad timing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sorry to hear about the discomfort!.
Bruises are a result of blood under the skin!. Improving circulation will help dissipate the blood: massage, muscle movement from a workout, and heat!. Aspirin may help (if you can take it) because it's a mild blood thinner!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The will go away when they go away!. There is very little you can do to make then go away faster!.

You need to increased the blood circulation in that area!. Try GENTLY rubbing the area every couple of hours or so!. Also try putting a COLD compress on the area for a few minutes every couple of hours or so!. Try an icecube wrapped in a washclothe, or try a small package of frozen peas!.

You can help PREVENT them by rotating you shot area each time!. Remember, you can usually use your thigh, buttocks, and biceps (upper arm) as well!. but check with your doctor!. The insulin absorbtion rate is different at each place, and the doctor MIGHT want to adjust the amount of insulin (slightly) depending on where the shot is given!.


I get those too! But I never do my stomach!. I always do my arms and thighs!. But my bruises are there too :(!. I just try as hard as I can to get diversity and put it in with the most fat I can get!. I'm sorry you have them too =(Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get Hirudoid cream from chemist and rub into bruises
It contains heparinWww@Answer-Health@Com

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