My 2 yr had stitches, what can I do to relieve the scar?!

Question: My 2 yr had stitches, what can I do to relieve the scar!?
Hiya, today my 2yr son slipped over and split his chin open (it was awful)!. He has a 2cm cut that needed 4 stitches, the doctor didn't use dissolvable stitches, how can I tell if the stitches are good!? will it hurt him getting the stitches out!? And how bad should I expect the scarring to be!? Alot of questions I know but I just want to be prepared for him!. ThanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

The stitches are fine unless there's a lot of redness, swelling, pus and or a bad smell around the wound area!. As for it hurting when he gets them out- no it shouldn't as they cut the Little knot they made in the stitch and pull the stitch out, but it might pull a little and that could be more frightening than anything else- keep a brave face yourself and he should be fine!. Scars would be minimal- a small pale white line should be left once it's completely healed!. Beware of the itchy stitches- as the wound heals it'll get itchy and that's a good thing, but your little one may end up scratching a stitch out!. Just make sure it's clean (at least as best as you can- we are talking about a 2yr old boy) and don't worry too much!. He's young enough that he won't remember most of this experience anyway!. My son sliced his foot open (nearly lost a big toe) and had 8 stitches at 2, he's 4 nearly 5 and doesn't remember it and the scar isn't noticeable at all!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't worry as a boy they love battlewounds - he'll survive! If you want to minimise scarring use rosehip oil or cocoa butter!. It won't hurt getting the stiches out - they will probably come out by themselves or he'll end up pulling them out - you know how curious 2 year olds are!. Just do the ''your so brave' and he'll be good to go!. As a parent they look to you for guidance - so if you act like it's no big deal - so will he and chances are he'll be a bit more cautious in the future!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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agree with Jane, Rosehip oil once wound is healed!. He will guage everything off you, so be confident,it doesn't really hurt!. The part that hurts is the local to get them in the first place! you'll be fine :) Www@Answer-Health@Com

he will be fine, if he has some discomfort try using some witch hazel gel which shall clean and numb the wound, the scar will fade with time, good luck xWww@Answer-Health@Com

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