STD TESTING clinics?!

Question: STD TESTING clinics!?
If you go to a clinic to get an STD test do they just give you the results and send you to a doctor/ gynocologist !?!? or do they give you treatment thereWww@Answer-Health@Com

When going for an STI test they will first ask you if you have any symptoms, such as itching, pain, sores, bleeding etc, although many STIs do not actually display any symptoms!. They will then ask you to remove your trousers and underwear and lie on your back!. They will gently insert a metal instrument into the vagina to hold it open slightly and will then use a swab (like a small cotton bud) to take a sample of the discharge inside the vagina!. This wont hurt but may feel slightly uncomfortable, the more you relax the less you will feel it!. They will then send the swabs off to the laboratory to test for bacteria causing STI's!. They may ask you to phone them to find out the results or they may contact you- you will need to ask them about this!. The results can take anything from 3 days to 2 weeks to come back, depending on the clinic you go to!. Usually if you have an STI you can just go back to the same clinic and they will be able to provide you with the treatment!.
Remember most STIs can be easily treated with antibiotics, but if left untreated can cause serious problems such as infertility so please do not delay getting tested!.
good luck xWww@Answer-Health@Com

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