There's a flu going around?!

Question: There's a flu going around!?
Everyone is saying on other people's questions, 'you seem to have the flu that's going around!.' Well, I have it!. Horrbile headache, fever, bodyaches, hurting ears, upset stomach, but no vomiting or diarrhea!. I have a really bad phobia of throw up - so I just want to know if,

1!. Is there a flu going around!?
2!. If so, what are the symptoms!?
3!. What can I do to feel better!? I've already been sleeping all day!.
4!. I got it yesterday night and now it's 8:30 PM!. So if I was going to throw up, I probably already would have, right!?

Please no stupid answers just because I have a fear!. Thanks ]:Www@Answer-Health@Com

I also have a phobia of thowing up!. I know how scary it is even when you have the flu or a cold worrying about becoming ill like that!.

Well there isn't a flu going on around where I live but, sadly, there are always germs out there!.
Influenza has a variety of symptoms ranging from chills to fever to headaches!. Luckily for us it's rare to vomit from the flu!.
You can take OTC pills like day or NyQuil to feel better!.
Influenza doesn't usually cause stomach upset!. Norovirus is what most people call the "stomach flu" which you would know if you had and you don't!. Norovirus brings on almost sudden stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea!. You would have been sick by now or had diarrhea!. I think youre in the clear!.
Drink some orange juice and feel better!Www@Answer-Health@Com

not necessarily you probably have a mild case of the flu if anything or you would be throwing up!.good luck and hope you feel better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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