Thyroid nodules and lymph nodes?!

Question: Thyroid nodules and lymph nodes!?
I'm going to the doctor on tuesday, but I've had swollen lymph nodes for awhile and later the nodules appeared!.!.!. I'm so worried it might be something terrible!.!.!. Any thoughts/advice!? :(Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have recurrent lymph nodules in my groin glands, but I had muscular symptoms and neurological symptoms as well, of course I was terrified I had cancer!. Turns out I had lyme disease!. Candida, a full body yeast infection, also causes lymph and thyroid nodules as they try to filter out the yeast!. Other symptoms of candida are a yellow paste on the tongue and vaginal infections persistently!. Nodules and cysts in glands can also simply be caused by an infection and bad diet, such as too much sugar and grease!. Or over and under active thyroid gland, also characterized by high or low metabolism, over and under weight, and overall feeling of bad health!. Let me know how it goes at the Doctors!. Hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its not bad!. i have one myself!. mines on the side of my cheek!. it really doesnt do much harm at all!. i freaked out at first also but once i went to the docter, she said it was no big deal, and commen!. it should go away but if not its nothing really to worry about!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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