Ovarian cancer at 14?!

Question: Ovarian cancer at 14!?
ok well ive looked up my symptoms, (very heavy heavy prolonged menstral bleeding, shortness of breath, abdominal pain back pain and leg pain, bloating, sickness, im tired ALL the time, and recently indegestion and gas!.) and they are all syptoms of ovarian cancer, but im only 14!. so i guess my questions are:
are there any other solutions or what else could be wrong with me!?
and how should i tell my mom i think i have cancer!?

im not saying for sure that i know, but all hands are pointing to it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is very unlikely that you have ovarian cancer!. What can be common though are ovarian cysts!. These can be removed if they bother you!. I did have a friend that had to have one of her ovaries completely removed when she was about your age!. But, she went on to have a child later in life!. No worries - just talk to your mom and go see a doctor so you feel better!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah, you have Crazy New Period Problems!. (CNPPs)
At your age your hormones are going absolutely insane and running around your body like mood-altering chimpanzees!.
If you think you have cancer, tell your mom that you have problems and that you need to go to a doctor right away!. Cancer gets worse the longer you let it go, so if that is what you have, you're only killing yourself faster by not acting!.
If it is just your crazy hormones, getting on some form of birth control can help!. Don't feel embarrassed asking- TONS of teenage girls are on birth control for totally non-sexual reasons!. Ask your doctor about something discreet, like the shot!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome too!. Or your hormones could just be way out of whack!. Tell your mom all of your symptoms and meanwhile, cut out the sugar, junk food and eat some protien, you know veggies, eggs!. My blood sugar was out of whack and it threw my periods off and gave me symptoms that seemed really unrelated!. since I have been eating healthier ALL of my physical ailments have cleared up!. The same can be true for female problems!. The doc might recommend going on the pill to regulate your hormones, but you should really improve your diet first and see if that will straiten things up!.

Stop eating sugar immediately, go for brown rice and whole wheat bread and not too much!. Up your consumption of healthy proteins, chicken, fish, eggs, meat, nuts!. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies!. Use real salad dressing, it will satisfy you more quickly than a lot of fat free stuff that doesn't fill you up and then you find that you just ate a whole bag of fat free cookies!.

Don't be afraid to eat a bit of real butter, mayo, and cheese too, a little bit goes a long way toward sustaining you without hunger pangs!.

Don't be afraid of gaining weight!. Just remember that your stomach is as big as your hand and eat accordingly!.

I am sure that if you eat properly for just a few days you will feel a lot better!. What happens is that when you eat refined carbs (sugar, white bread, white rice, pasta, potatoes) your blood sugar rises dramatically and then crashes and you feel like crap and then go eat and do it all over again!.

Good luck sweetie!. I hope you feel better soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The problem with diagnosing your own diseases is that YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR!

Make sure you describe your symptoms to your doctor, but do not speculate as to the diagnosis!. It is unhealthy, and may just cause your doctor to not trust you the next time you get sick!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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