I have something that looks like a zit on my foreskin what could that be?!

Question: I have something that looks like a zit on my foreskin what could that be!?
I have something that looks like a small zit on my forskin near the tip!. The last time I was sexually active was over 3 months ago!. I just noticed this zit like thing about a week ago!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well it could be numerous things but there are two things that come to mind : HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and Molluscum Contagiosum!. Both viruses can be contracted many months before they actually surface!. You can tell if it is molluscum because it will have like an indentation on it kind of like a belly button!. Just to be safe go have it checked out by your doctor or you could always go to a free clinic!. Good luck an STD scare is never fun!. If it is one of those you need to find out soon because stress believe it or not can cause both of those viruses to flare up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

does the small zit have a white head on it, or is it yellow!? is it oozing!? or is it flat and raised!? is it sore!? is it just one or many others in or around the area!? did you use protection when u had sex!? if not there is a chance it could be a wart, if small and fluid filled in clusters could be herpes or if flat or it could be a zit, if it has a white head or a yellow honey comb crust on the top it could be staph, this is why you should check it out, and also if you touch it make sure you wash your hands after wards, staph can be easily spread by hands that are not washed!. good luck and seek medical treatment!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go to the doctor and get tested!. It could be a zit!. It could be something else---it's impossible to diagnose these things on the internet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

HPV suspected!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hmmm thats tough it looks like a zit!.!.!.!.!. it is a zit jesus!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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