How do i heal the scabs on my face from pimples fast?!

Question: How do i heal the scabs on my face from pimples fast!?
as this really lowers my cofidenceWww@Answer-Health@Com

There's a good home treatment on http://www!.chootoo!.com/HomeRemediesforAc!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First like other people said, NEVER pick them! Wash your face daily with over the counter acne wash (pick your skin types wash) Drink lots of water, this helps keep skin clear!. If you're a girl, and wear make-up be sure to wash it off every night!. There are also lots of over the counter spot treatments!. Wal-Mart has cheaper versions of most things!.

Also if you have insurance, see a dermatologist, and don't be embarrassed to go in!. They see this stuff all the time, and know what to do about it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You can't really heal them quickly!. Let them heal themselves, and stop picking at your acne and you won't get scabs!. Dry them up when they first start to appear with a good acne gel and wash your face twice a day, every morning and every night!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just stop picking them!.
And Another thing to avoid getting
scabs on your face pop your pimples
w/ Q-tips!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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