Does staying up late give you more pimples?!

Question: Does staying up late give you more pimples!?
i been staying up til very late recently and sometimes i notice some pimple be popping up, but is it also because since i let my hair grow a bit longer!? whenever i have short hair!.!.!.!.i barely have any pimpleWww@Answer-Health@Com

Staying up late shouldn't affect youe skin as it is a problem of too much oil in your skin!.
The long hair is probably the cause!. The oil from your hair is getting transferred to your face because your hair is touching you hair when you sleep!. I would reccommend tying your hair back when you sleep and washing your face with water every day- mornings and nights!.

Hope this helps!. =]Www@Answer-Health@Com

Staying up late COULD be the problem!. Stress can cause pimples and if you stay up late and are always really tired the next morning, that's probably not helping your stress levels!.

However it probably would be the long hair - it depends where you get the pimples though!. If you get them on your chin (where your hair probably doesn't come into contact) then it's probably not this!. If you get them on your forehead, or hairline, then yes it probably is!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i seem to have the same issue!.i dont find staying up late has a effect on mine!.
but having long hair does!. the reason for this is that your hair has natural oils and when your hair touches your face these oils rub off!. they then block the pores and create pimples!.

id suggest try sleeping with you hair combed out of your face!.
wash your face 3 times a day and touch your face as little as possible!. and never pick or squeeze them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i guess not!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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