How do I avoid getting cold sores during the night?!

Question: How do I avoid getting cold sores during the night!?
I have been getting cold sores all my life since I was about 8 years old (I'm 24)!. I usually get them during the night, so by the time I wake up, it's too late to make a huge difference!. I have consulted my doctor who says the stress is coming from the braces that I have had for about a year and a half!. Does anyone have any suggestions please, I'm getting them almost every month now!. My doctor did give me denvair (not sure of the spelling) but by the time I take it (in the morning) it doesn't help all that much!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It might have to do with your toothbrush!. Throw away your old toothbrush!.

A way to get rid of Herpes Simplex is by leaving it clean and dry!.

Also, a reason you may have gotten cold sores all your life is because someone may have infected you when you were young with their herpes simplec virus while it was still infectious!.

You can put ice on the cold sore to decrease the inflammation!.

Hope it helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

well dont sleep w!. your window open & dont dreul!.

if your getting them all the time you should take medicene for them!. i cant believe he hasent done anything to help you! go back to him!. tell him they aren't going away!. they dont just stay there!. ur suppose to get over them! they shouldnt be frequent like that!

read this : http://www!.animated-teeth!.com/cold_sores!.!.!.

During an outbreak of cold sores, salty foods, citrus foods (oranges etc!.), and other foods that irritate the sores should be avoided!. Wash the sores once or twice a day with warm, soapy water and pat gently to dry!. Over-the-counter lip products that contain the chemical phenol (such as Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment) and numbing ointments (Anbesol) help to relieve cold sores!. A bandage may be placed over the sores to protect them and prevent spreading the virus to other sites on the lips or face!. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) may be taken if necessary to reduce pain and fever!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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