Achy joints an muscles?!

Question: Achy joints an muscles!?
I am type 2 diabetic and with that being said and am wondering if that is a reason for my aching!.thanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

Various symptoms could be attributed to diabetes!.!.!.actually all body systems could be affected to some extent by diabetes!.!.!.!.what's your current blood sugar level!?!.!.!.is your diabetes controlled!? bone and joint ache could be due to neuropathy or most often electrolytes disturbances due to rapid increase in sugar level!.!.!.!.or it's all a psychic matter related to stress, anxiety!.!.etc!. do a lab!. check up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

In the absence of neuropathy diabetes generally doesn"t affect the joints!. Poorly controlled diabetes may complain of a sensation of generalized malaise however!. If your sugar is under good control look for another cause for the problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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