Once you get cold sores, can you ever get rid of them?!

Question: Once you get cold sores, can you ever get rid of them!?
i just had cold sores like two months ago!.!. and i have them again!.!. so are they just going to come back every time!. !?!? or!.!.!. its just mean i'm going to get sick!?!?!? or what!? is there something i can do to not get them anymore!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've had cold sores off and on my whole life!. It is herpes simplex one!. (not of the genital nature) As I understand, it comes from chicken pox which can lay dormant in your spine!. (after you've had chicken pox as a child)

I get them when I've been out in the sun without sunscreen on my face or lips or when I get really stressed out!.

Be careful not to scratch when you feel it coming on!. Also, you can take the vitamin Llysene and use the product Abreva, it's the best product I've found, but it's expensive!.

Good Luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You will never be rid of them!. They're caused by a virus (herpex simplex) which takes up permanent residency: cold sores are a result of the virus becoming active again, sometimes due to stress, tiredness, etc!. The virus can lay dormant and then reactivate at will throughout your life!.

You can treat cold sores (something like Zovirax), but you cannot 'cure' them, unfortunately!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

"Cold sores" are the result of Herpes Simplex I virus, once you have it you will always have it!. The trick it it help prevent outbreaks and to treat them appropriately if they do occur!. There are some over the counter treatments you can buy or if it is severe your doctor can write you a prescription!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Most cold sores are caused by the Herpes simplex virus, which has no cure!. If you have them in the same spot as a previous time, most likely this will continue for the rest of your life!. Stay away from sugar and spicy foods when you have them, don't pick at them, and they will go away!. Also, if you have a breakout, do not kiss anyone or have oral sex, as you can spread the virus causing genital herpes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I get them and yes they are horrible but go to the doctor and get them to prescribe Valtrex!. Cold sores are a form of herpes unfortunately but it is a lower dose!. You can usually feel the cold sore coming and if you take one pill in the morning and then another at bedtime it will go away!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Always check with your Doctor, for medications, like abreva, and valtrex!. But abreva is only for outside cold sores!. They are the most common meds to make the cold sores in active!. Unfortunately no, once you get them they are yours to keep!. Lack of sleep, and stress will bring them on more and stay longer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

outside of your mouth, i think they go away and aren't a lifelong disease, but you can get em again!.

inside your mouth, that's with you forever!. its a type of herpes, but it's harmless really!. i think they might come with stress!? not sure though!. doesn't mean you're getting sick, but your lymph nodes might swell!. nothing to worry about though!. tons of people have this!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Nope!.!.!.you can never get rid of them!.!.they will come and go throughout your lifetime!.!.the virus is in your body!.!.!.stress can bring them on!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

get abreva!. that should work! you can find it at local gas stations or targetWww@Answer-Health@Com

Sometimes cold sores are a form of herpes!. Not saying that is what you have but I would go see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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