My co-worker has blood in her urine and wont go to the Doctor!?!

Question: My co-worker has blood in her urine and wont go to the Doctor!!?
What could this be!?!?!? She said she was up most of the night!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm gonna kill you Mals! I am going after work! I think it is a kidney infection, but I can't leave work after being out for 2 days for something else! I didn't have blood the last time I went!. What if I find out it was just from having crazy sex or something!!!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

women are susceptible to a variety of urogenital infections and urinary complications!. point being that blood in the urine is not a good thing to start with, sever problems may be underlying like a kidney issue!. when something is wrong with the kidneys blood isn't filtered properly and is present in the urine!. this is why we should go to the doctors when there is blood present in the urine!. but it can be as simple as a bladder infection!. painful urination, darkened urine, ect!. may suggest an infection!. do the right thing and have her checked just to be sure!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Blood in your urine can be a sign of many things!. It could be a simple bladder or urinary tract infection but it could also be something very serious!. Tell her she MUST go!. Doctors have seen it all before, there's nothing to be embarassed about!.

My aunt's friend noticed blood in her faeces and wouldn't go to the doctor!. Within a year she was dead from bowel cancer!. This is a shocking story but proof that leaving things can be very dangerous!.
I'm sure your colleague is absolutely fine but surely it's better to be safe than sorry!?

Hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Is she embarrassed, or just scared!? Sounds like kidney stones, but could be many things!.!.!. Either way, if she doesn't haul her rear to the doc, she'll get worse, and she'll wish she had gone, sooner! Have her read our responses!. :) (She 'll likely start off with a simple urine analysis!.)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your co-worker is being extremely foolish!. She needs to get herself to a doctor ASAP!.

Bloody urine is not a thing to ignore!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It could be cancer, it could be an infection, it could be kidney stones, it could be sooo many things if she does not go to the doctor she is crazyWww@Answer-Health@Com

who knows!?! she needs to see someone!. The stress of not knowing is going to bother her more!. Offer to drive her and be her buddy for her doctor appt!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Could be a kidney infection , kidney stones, or even cancer!. If it gets bad enough -- she will go! It's her body so its up to her!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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