Coldsores??? :'[?!

Question: does anyone know how to fix them???

Answers: does anyone know how to fix them???

well you can't fix them permanently but there are things that you can use to supress them. I myself have suffered from them my whole life and when I was 13,and my body and hormones were changing they got really really bad!! I would get like 4 or 5 on my face at the same time and needless to say,I did not even want to leave the house because I felt like a freak. After talking to doctors and getting no real help; my mom went to a health and vitamin store and asked them if they knew of anything that we could do to help. They handed her a bottle of L-Lysine and told her to have me take three 500mg tablets every day. They also gave her lysine ointment for me to put on my coldsores when I did get them. It was the best thing that I ever could have discovered. It was like a miracle! I took them every day for 3 years and I have not had outbreaks like I used to since then. I do still intervertantly take them for a total of about 6 months out of the year. Usually it's when I feel like I might be getting them again. I personally use the Quantum brand of lysine with 5 added immune boosters. It's called Super Lysine + - it's the one that's worked the best for me. Also, avoid chocolate and peanut butter as much as possible. I don't know why but they can trigger coldsores, as well as spicy foods and the cheese that is on things like Doritos especially when it gets in the corners of your mouth or all over your lips. Also, be sure to let your dentist know that coldsores are an issue for you so they know to be extra gentle. Strangely enough, if the dentist prys you mouth open too roughly, it can also trigger those annoying little suckers especially in the corners of your mouth. I do use Abreva now as well and it works really good. All of these things in combination with eachother work the best. Trust me on all of this! I have been dealing with these things for almost 27 years now. Hope you find this helpful.

Hydrogen peroxide applied with a cotton swab three times a day.

Use vivorax to shorten the time they're there. You can use Valtrex to suppress them. But best of all I find Vitamin C to be very effective at keeping them away and curing them.

You can't really fix them. You just have to wait until they go away. Applying a really good chapstick like blistex can help.

Coldsores are the Herpes Simplex I virus. Abreva can reduce the time for them to heal.

Morgan's Lysine Lip Balm -It works the best! My husband gets cold sores and that's what he uses. It has lysine in it which is the best over the counter treatment of cold sores or canker sores. If you are prone to cold sores you may consider taking a lysine supplement or eating foods rich in lysine such as yogurt, fish, cheese, wheat germ, and pork.

I use Abreva which does help shorten the time they take to heal. Sometimes they go away fast, sometimes more slowly. They will always go away, even without treatment.

Since I get them fairly often, my doctor has given me a prescription for Valtrex where I take 2 pills as soon as I feel tingling in the area and 2 pills 12 hours later. I have prevented some cold sores this way.

Sometimes I wake up with a full-blown cold sore, then I use Abreva and try not to irritate the area. I wash my hands carefully, don't touch the sore (except for putting on medication), use a separate wash cloth for the area then put it into the laundry.

I have to admit I use the same Blistex whether or not I have a cold sore. I've never given myself one that way, I think.

Some people get exposed and never break out; some break out once; some rarely; the people like me come next - maybe 4 - 5 times a year or more and sometimes one after the other.

I think keeping your lips moist with Blistex or any other lip balm can help prevent them.

try Anbesol. I tried it and it works really good :P btw nice name lol

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