How to get rid of pimples/acne? (the best way for oily skin)?!

Question: i have oily skin and pimples arond my cheeks and chin!

Answers: i have oily skin and pimples arond my cheeks and chin!

use ivory soap to wash (it is pure) and then use rubbing alcohol to dry the skin and you can use peroxide to kill any bacteria. I used all of these when I was young and I have very good skin today. Good Luck (I would also occasionally use a baking soda mask) take baking soda (in the yellow box in the kitchen) and put some water in it to make a paste then apply it on the face and let it dry, you will feel it tightening and actully drawing out the impurities of your skin, it will even flake off as it dries. Then rinse your face throughly. Good luck.

rubbing alcohol works for me - it dries up the skin and cleans it up like no expensive product sponsored by Jessica or Lindsey can.

You could try witch hazel. It's not quite as harsh as rubbing alcohol, but it is a nice, natural astringent.

You could also check your diet. Many times, acne is caused by a lack of probiotics in your system. If this is the case, a simple addition of yogurt to your diet, or a couple of probiotic pills a day should make a huge difference.

Try using aleo vera gel to keep your skin hydrated,
that means it locks the moisture inside,
so your skin doesn't get all gross and oily.

PROACTIVE works great for me. and it works fast too!

DONT USE PROACTIVE! IT DRYS OUT UR SKIN AND MAKES IR WORSE! JUST ABOUT EVERYONE I KNOW THATS USED IT KNOWS THAT! use rubbing achol (sp?) and then after (u dont have to) put some vasileen on it ur face should clear up in 24 hours. errr heres a video to explain it better. PLZ WATCH IT! it will def help ur acne! im thinking of trying it XD if only i had rubbing achol.

Try a gentle cleanser. One that is glycerin or sorbitol based will be good and it does not need to be expensive. Cetaphil and Neutrogena has some pretty good ones. Try Cetaphil? Gentle Skin Cleanser.

Wash your face at least twice a day and everytime after you perspire. If your skin is the oily kind, you do not need to apply any moisturizer, your skin oils are enough to keep it hydrated. If you really must apply a gentle light oil free one. Cetaphil? Daily Facial Moisturizer SPF 15 or Cetaphil? Moisturizing Lotion is quite good

Apply pimple cream to the acne area. Try benzoyl peroxide low strength(2.5%) first. You can try oxy, panoxyl or Neutrogena brands. Neutrogena on-the-spot is pretty good. Don't pick poke scrub or pop your pimples unless you want scars which are really ugly. Scrubbing cleansers or washes are also no-nos because it equals picking and poking and makes acne worse Treated pimples gently.

Eat healthy. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Cut down on sugar and carb intake. Foods like chocolates, coffee, soda drinks, bread, rice potatoes or anything starchy and sugary are no-nos. Cut down on oily and fried foods also. Go for grilled, steamed or baked food. Make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Ensure that your diet is rich in vitamin A, B5, C, E and Omega-3 which are important for the skin. Less stress and sleeping enough is also important. Not having enough sleep is like putting stress on your body. Makes sure you sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Visit a dermatologist if it doesn't work or worsen. Products can only help that much. You may need to tackle the problem internally with medication.

Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the pimples like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. More such solutions at

For oily skin with acne try fresh tomato puree - it will remove the excessive oil and soothe the inflammation.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .

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