What is the best way to cure a virus?!

Question: My dad has a virus and he has to travel across the country every week and he will not get well. He had this virus for about 2 to 3 weeeks now and he's been taking everything he can take.

Answers: My dad has a virus and he has to travel across the country every week and he will not get well. He had this virus for about 2 to 3 weeeks now and he's been taking everything he can take.

I feel for him but he has just got to let it run its course. There are no meds for a virus. Maybe he should go to the Dr and make sure it is a virus. Other than that just rest when possible, try to eat healthy and drink lots of fluids. It wouldn't hurt to spray lysol or clorox spray around the house, in his room ,in his car and on his clothes (be careful about the clothes) These products help to kill viruses and if he didn't keep coming in to a virus infested place he may get better faster. It worked for my daughter-in-law. Get out the spray, spray furniture carpets, etc. too. good luck.

He just has to rest and let the virus run its course. He just should focus on getting enough sleep, plenty of liquids, vitamins, and generally take care of himself. There is nothing you can do for a virus. Your body just has to fight it off.

You cannot cure viruses. Your body must fight them off & suppress them to a dormant state, but they can reactivate. Once you get a virus, you'll always have it. The best thing to do is rest, stay hydrated, treat fever, etc.

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