Can you be immune to HPV?!

Question: Think you are asking..... is anyone born with immunity to HPV?
Would think so. There are actual documented cases of persons repeatedly exposed to the aids virus, Ebola virus, etc who did not develop the symptoms, or test positive for the virus..
Do not know if their would be a way to test for immunity because a virus is changing all the time, therefore the antibodies would be different too.
If you find out the answer to this, would like to know myself.

Answers: Think you are asking..... is anyone born with immunity to HPV?
Would think so. There are actual documented cases of persons repeatedly exposed to the aids virus, Ebola virus, etc who did not develop the symptoms, or test positive for the virus..
Do not know if their would be a way to test for immunity because a virus is changing all the time, therefore the antibodies would be different too.
If you find out the answer to this, would like to know myself.

Not all strains. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, only creates immunity to strains 16 and 18, which are responsible for 70% of the aggressive cervical cancer strains. Hope it helps some.

In general no you cannot be immune, however there are vaccines for hpv which is a leading cause in the development of cervical cancer and genital warts.

no but u can get shots that can lower your risk of contracting it.

According to, medical research suggests that after you get a particular type of HPV, you become immune to it and cannot be re-infected with that same type again.

You can read more about HPV here:

-Tracey from

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