Im 8months pregnant and suffer with Epstein Barr Virus?!

Question: Im tired all the time and ache and dizzy is there ever going to be an end to this I was diagnosed 12 months ago and recently was diagnosed with thyroiditis and a topper of an anxiety disorder

Answers: Im tired all the time and ache and dizzy is there ever going to be an end to this I was diagnosed 12 months ago and recently was diagnosed with thyroiditis and a topper of an anxiety disorder

Postpartum thyroiditis is usually a transient phenomenon observed following pregnancy and may involve hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or the two sequentially. It is believed to result from the modifications to the immune system necessary in pregnancy, and histologically is a lymphocytic thyroiditis. The process is normally self-limiting, but when conventional antibodies are found there is a high chance of this proceeding to permanent hypothyroidism. Postpartum thyroiditis is a member of the group of thyroiditis conditions known as resolving thyroiditis.
Consult your doctor.

A kiss is just a kiss till u find the one you love. a hug is just a hug till its with the one your thinkin of. A dream is just a dream till it comes true. love is just a word till its proven to you. Tonight u will recive a happy suprise from the one you love but only if you send this to ten people. if you ignore this u will have bad love in 2008$

are you sure it's not hepatitis c infection instead? many of us with hcv were diagnosed with ebv long before the correct diagnosis.....many of us are dually infected with ebv and hcv.
treatment of the hcv usually resolves the ebv.

you might need to ask for an hcv antibody test because many doctors think that just because your alt and ast levels are fine there isn't anything wrong with the liver.
you have to be tested for direct hcv antibodies.

good luck and congrads on your upcoming baby!

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