Stripped throat to the point of barely able to talk?!

Question: What would be a quick way of accomplishing this?

Answers: What would be a quick way of accomplishing this?

If you want to be hoarse, go in a smoky place and strain your voice by talking loudly or screaming

It's strep, not stripped

scream a lot.

Why would you want to have that bad of a problem?!

drink orange juice. even tho it hurts, its the best way to heal it :)

Accomplishing what?

If you want to get better go to the doctor for an anti-biotic that can help you get better.

Strep, not strip

You are talking about being hoarse. Go to a concert or football game and yell all throughout.

Go to a sports event and yell yourself hoarse.

lots of honey and tea. refrain from talking or "clearing ur throat" suck on about 4 cough-drops w/ menthol a day and drink a lot of water.

shout at the top of your lol ....he he he hehe....

If its strep, you're infectious until you're solidly on the proper antibiotic.

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