How to avoid losing your voice (and any other unnecessary things) when you have !

Question: For now my throat is just killlling.
But tonight/ tomorrow I can tell I'll get the resst
But yeah how can I avoid anything else like losing my voice?

Answers: For now my throat is just killlling.
But tonight/ tomorrow I can tell I'll get the resst
But yeah how can I avoid anything else like losing my voice?

It really doesn't matter if you lose your voice or not. You are ill and need to rest as much as possible. Tylenol or ibuprofen on a regular basis, either ice cold drinks or hot drinks (whichever feels best to you); increase your fluid intake, run a humidifier in the bedroom where you sleep. There is nothing that will stop laryngitis if that is where the cold bug wants to settle (on your larynx).

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