Recent warm weather brought me misery...Neti pot question?!

Question: I live in the Northeast (U.S.) and the recent warm weather that made everyone else cheerful, had me feeling like crap! I have allergies, although I don't exactly know to what (I take Allegra and it usually works so the Dr said not to bother with the back test yet). Would using a neti pot help in addition to the Allegra if all my symptoms are in my head (nose, throat, sinus)?

Answers: I live in the Northeast (U.S.) and the recent warm weather that made everyone else cheerful, had me feeling like crap! I have allergies, although I don't exactly know to what (I take Allegra and it usually works so the Dr said not to bother with the back test yet). Would using a neti pot help in addition to the Allegra if all my symptoms are in my head (nose, throat, sinus)?

It might - I use a neti pot because I get a lot of nasal congestion & a post nasal drip. It will help your nasal passages to stay clear, and help rinse out allergens that you inhale.

It's just a saline rinse, so it can't hurt ... try it morning & night for a week and see if it makes a difference.

Yes. It's worth a shot.
Warm salty water's gotta have fewer side effects than medication.

Try it! Can't do anything but clear out allergens and keep irritation down.

Yes, a Neti pot would clean out your sinuses and at least help in some relief.......But key with Neti Pot is you have to us it on an almost daily basis......I do agree with you there (living in the NE as well.....)

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